5 Guidelines for Telemarketing in Australia
Reaching a consumer in Australia can be quite a challenging task. Aussies are known to be chilled out. People, however, telemarketing can be a different ball game altogether. There is no company or business. Today that does not indulge in telemarketing. Telemarketing is required to boost sales and also create abound with your audience. Telemarketing is one of the tools of a marketing campaign. The main aim of. Telemarketing is not only to boost sales but also provide a personal touch to the consumers. With a large. Australian consumer database it becomes important that your telemarketing lists are precise.
Updated at all times. Australia forms a strong base of a population with a high standard of living and rising. Demand for high-value products. In fact, a lot of companies try to penetrate the Australian market first. Before venturing into the bigger markets of the USA.
Telemarketing in Australia is not a new concept. Like other countries telemarketing in Australia saw abloom when phones were first used as a means to reach out to potential customers. However, with the. Stricter laws in place, Telemarketing in Australia can be a tough ask. Telemarketing is not futile. Exercise but one needs to tread with caution. Companies wishing to use Telemarketing to promote its. Products need to have consent from the customer. Even with the proper consents in place, there are. Certain restrictions on the time that you can make the call. Although Tele marketing amounts to a small.
Percentage of sales, it’s the idea of connecting personally with the consumers that the companies tend. To go for it. On average, telemarketing amounts to maybe 2 or 3% of your entire business.
The Lukewarm response to Telemarketing.
One of the primary reasons for an average response to Telemarketing is that consumers are only. Interested in talking to you when they want to know about the product or service. A call from a telemarketer.
To a consumer informing about the products and deals is not really well received. Market.
Trends show that consumers are not really keen on sharing their address with telemarketers. Searching for. Mailing lists Australia or Australia address list might give you the list of database companies that can. Help you out with home addresses or email contacts. The Australian Communications and Media.
Authority is also very proactive in protecting the rights of the residents. The DO-NOT-CALL-REGISTRY.
Is very effective in blocking out calls by telemarketers. Any telemarketer calling someone who has.
Registered on the registry attracts a heavy fine. The government has also prescribed a timetable as to.
When the telemarketing calls can be made. According to recent statistics almost two-thirds of the.
Landlines in Australia and 70% of the mobile phone users have registered on the
Another major reason for telemarketing being unpopular is outsourcing. Many of the telemarketing.
Deals are outsourced by companies. The telemarketers are given a script which they follow. More often.
Than not, Telemarketers just blindly follow the script without taking a stick of the situation. This leads to.
Irritation among the recipients. However what companies need to know that while outsourcing is an.
economical option it can often harm the company’s reputation. It is therefore very important that when.
Choosing a third party vendor, utmost care must be taken.
Ways to obtain Telemarketing Success in Australia.
A successful telemarketing campaign is a well-planned out strategy. Database companies can give you.
Residential marketing lists in Australia as well as business lists. However, it is entirely dependent on how.
You execute your telemarketing campaign. First of all, you need to determine how much of you.
Business is likely to be generated through telemarketing. This will help you decide whether it’s an.
investment that will give returns. The Australian market, in general, has not been that responsive to telemarketing.
Still, if you want to utilize the telemarketing tool then there are some things that must be.
Kept in mind.
1) Research your outsource partner: If you have decided on outsourcing your telemarketing.
The process, make sure you hire the best. Telemarketing involves talking directly to consumers.
Whoever you hire is representing your brand and as such should be the best in the industry.
Many consumers have voiced their opinion that it is often the telemarketers that lead to them.
Being disconnected from the brand. If possible you should be involved in the scripting process as.
Well, so you know what is being communicated. Mock calls are also one of the ways to ascertain.
How you are being represented.
2) In-House Telemarketing: In the case of in-house telemarketing, make sure that adequate training is.
Given to employees. How you start the conversation can really turn the outcome of your call. A.
the polite and pleasant conversation will always help earn brownie points. Your telemarketing.
A campaign is as good or as bad as the people on the job. Efficient and polite people will help build.
a positive brand image.
3) Timing: Timing is utmost important for a call. During the permissible hours, make sure that you.
Do not call at inappropriate hours. An early call on a Monday morning will only irritate the.
Customer. Similarly, a call after 4 30 pm on Friday will not be well received. Place calls when you.
Know that the recipient will be a little relaxed and can take out time to talk.
4) Right Purpose: One of the major factors that make telemarketing success is a purpose of. The call. Telemarketing calls are made to announce offer and schemes. Make sure that you stick.to that. Do not indulge in unnecessary talks. Announce your brand and purpose of the call right. Away so that the recipient can decide on his/her course of action.
5) Adhere to Rules: Australia has stringent telemarketing rules in place. Make sure you comply.
with them. A wrong call or timing can land you in serious trouble. Hence make sure that you are.
aware of the rules and follow them religiously.
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